Emergency Numbers

The emergency number for police, fire or ambulance is 112.

Non-emergency police number: 0900 8844
Gas or electricity emergencies and outages: 0800 9009 | www.gasenstroomstoringen.nl
Coast guard: 0900 0111 | www.kustwacht.nl
Roadside breakdown service: ANWB 088 269 2222

Tourist medical service: touristdoctor.nl
National line for information on all medical services: 0900 1515 (24/7)
A complete list of hospitals and medical centres for the Netherlands can be found at www.ziekenhuis.nl 
To locate a pharmacy, visit www.apotheek.nl.

Lost and stolen
American Express: 020 504 8000 (national)
MasterCard: 0800 022 5821
VISA: 0800 022 3110
Schiphol airport lost property: 0900 0141 (40ct/min)
NS (rail) lost property: 0900 321 2100 (80ct/min)